Main NDN Coping Mechanisms: Notes from the Field

NDN Coping Mechanisms: Notes from the Field

5.0 / 5.0
In his follow-up to This Wound is a World , Billy-Ray Belcourt's Griffin Poetry Prize–winning collection, NDN Coping Mechanisms: Notes from the Field is a provocative, powerful, and genre-bending new work that uses the modes of accusation and interrogation. He aims an anthropological eye at the realities of everyday life to show how they house the violence that continues to reverberate from the long twentieth century. In a genre-bending constellation of poetry, photography, redaction, and poetics, Belcourt ultimately argues that if signifiers of Indigenous suffering are everywhere, so too is evidence of Indigenous peoples' rogue possibility, their utopian drive. In NDN Coping Mechanisms: Notes from the Field , the poet takes on the political demands of queerness, mainstream portrayals of Indigenous life, love and its discontents, and the limits and uses of poetry as a vehicle for Indigenous liberation. In the process, Belcourt once [...]again demonstrates his extraordinary craft, guile, and audacity, and the sheer dexterity of his imagination.
Request Code : ZLIB.IO18274005
House of Anansi Press Inc
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
9781487005788, 1487005784, 9781487005771, 1487005776, 9781487005795, 1487005792, 9781487007164, 1487

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