Main Selling luxury: connect with affluent customers, create unique experiences through impeccable service, and close the sale

Selling luxury: connect with affluent customers, create unique experiences through impeccable service, and close the sale

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BPraise for iSelling Luxury/i/b "GeneviEve and Robin have brought together their talents to create a book that gives all Sales Ambassadors the fundamentals in selling and building customer loyalty." 'bHamida Belkadi/b, CEO, De Beers Diamond Jewellers, USA "Selling Luxury is filled with ways of exceeding each client's expectations through offering a service that surprises and delights." 'bAaron Simpson/b, Group Executive Chairman, Quintessentiall What does it take to sell high-end luxury creations to the richest clients in the world' In iSelling Luxury/i, Robin Lent and Genevieve Tour, with thirty years of combined experience, share their savoir-faire. You'll also pick up tips from multi-million dollar luxury sales professionals who will help you understand the complexities of the universe of luxury. iSelling Luxury/i will show you how a salesperson can acquire Sales Ambassador status by offering the impeccable service associated with the world's most prestigious brands.;""Title Page""; ""Copyright Page""; ""Dedication""; ""Foreword""; ""Acknowledgements""; ""Introduction""; ""Part One: -- Initial Thoughts""; ""Chapter 1 -- The Vital Role of the Sales Ambassador""; ""Chapter 2 -- In the eyes of the customer, the Sales Ambassador is the brand""; ""Chapter 3 -- Loyalty begins with the first contact""; ""Chapter 4 -- Keep in mind how you like to be treated""; ""Chapter 5 -- There are customers behind customers""; ""Chapter 6 -- The incredible loss from one lost customer""; ""Chapter 7 -- The emotional side of the purchase""
Request Code : ZLIBIO2714352
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