Main Pale Dot

Pale Dot

4.0 / 5.0
Pale Dot is a collaborative storytelling game for 2-5 players about a crew of non-human cosmonauts leaving their planet to explore a strange solar system, finding threads to unravel the unknown along the way. It is fantastical, surreal, and perhaps very unlike humanity’s own ventures in space exploration. Though one thing is universal: leaving home is terrifying, dangerous, humbling, and a catalyst for changing one’s perspective. Pale Dot is a GM-less game where players work together to create an alien setting and subsequently envelop it in cosmic mystery, embodying cosmonauts called Dustlings in addition to one of 5 setting elements: The Cosmic Wilderness (strange creatures and environments) The Wondrous Endeavor (the space program and its tech) The Forgotten Ones (the ancient visitors) The Tides of Uncertainty (the mysterious forces) The Omnipresent Danger (exactly what it sounds like) During their journey they will be able to travel to 24 different locations within their solar system, each with several prompts for improvisational scenes. Each player will also have to manage the integrity of their cosmonaut and their shared ship while avoiding space's many perils. It's mechanically inspired by Fall of Magic by Ross Cowman and Dream Askew by Avery Alder. There is an accompanying soundtrack that can be used to set vibes:
Request Code : ZLIB.IO18061863

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