Main Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied Behavior Analysis

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This text provides an accurate, comprehensive, and contemporary description of applied behavior analysis in order to help readers acquire fundamental knowledge and skills Applied Behavior Analysis provides a comprehensive, in-depth discussion of the field, offering a complete description of the principles and procedures for changing and analyzing socially important behavior. The 3rd Edition features coverage of advances in all three interrelated domains of the sciences of behavior–theoretical, basic research, and applied research–and two new chapters, Equivalence-based Instruction (Ch. 19) and Engineering Emergent Learning with Nonequivalence Relations (Ch. 20). It also includes updated and new content on topics such as negative reinforcement (Ch. 12), motivation (Ch. 16), verbal behavior (Ch. 18), functional behavioral assessment (Ch. 27), and ethics (Ch. 31). The content of the text is now connected to the BCBA® and BCABA® Behavior Analyst Task List, 5th Edition. Table of ContentsPART 1: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS 1. Definition and Characteristics of Applied Behavior Analysis 2. Basic Concepts and Principles PART 2: SELECTING, DEFINING, AND MEASURING BEHAVIOR 3. Selecting and Defining Target Behaviors 4. Measuring Behavior 5. Improving and Assessing the Quality of Behavioral Measurement PART 3: EVALUATING AND ANALYZING BEHAVIOR CHANGE 6. Constructing and Interpreting Graphic Displays of Behavioral Data 7. Analyzing Behavior Change: Basic Assumptions and Strategies 8. Reversal and Multielement Designs 9. Multiple Baseline and Changing Criterion Designs 10. Planning and Evaluating Applied Behavior Analysis Research PART 4: REINFORCEMENT 11. Positive Reinforcement 12. Negative Reinforcement 13. Schedules of Reinforcement PART 5: PUNISHMENT 14. Positive Punishment 15. Negative Punishment PART 6: ANTECEDENT VARIABLES 16. Motivating Operations 17. Stimulus Control PART 7: VERBAL BEHAVIOR 18. Verbal Behavior PART 8: DEVELOPING NEW BEHAVIOR 19. Equivalence-based Instruction 20. Engineering Emergent Learning with Nonequivalence Relations 21. Imitation, Modeling, and Observational Learning 22. Shaping 23. Chaining PART 9: DECREASING BEHAVIOR WITH NONPUNISHMENT PROCEDURES 24. Extinction 25. Differential Reinforcement 26. Antecedent Interventions PART 10: FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT 27.Functional Behavior Assessment PART 11: SPECIAL APPLICATIONS 28. Token Economy, Group Contingencies, and Contingency Contracting 29. Self-Management PART 12: PROMOTING GENERALIZED BEHAVIOR CHANGE 30. Generalization and Maintenance of Behavior Change PART 13: ETHICS 31. Ethical and Professional Responsibilities of Applied Behavior Analysts
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