Main Nightfall


5.0 / 5.0
"On Marin's island, the sunrise only comes every twenty-eight years. But it's not the dawn she has to worry about. When sunset triggers the tide to roll out hundreds of miles, the islanders of Bliss must quickly prepare to sail south, where they will wait out the long, fourteen years of unforgiving Night. Marin and her twin brother, Kana, ready their house for departure: locks must be taken off doors, furniture arranged, tables set. The rituals are bizarre, but none of the adults in town will discuss why it has to be done this way. Just as the ships are about to sail, a boy goes missing -- the twins' friend Line. Marin and Kana are the only ones who know the truth about where Line has gone, and the only way to rescue him is by doing it themselves. But Night is falling. Their island is changing." --Page [4] of cover.
Request Code : ZLIB.IO17402263
Penelope Douglas LLC
Devil's Night 4

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