Main Ethics for Behavior Analysts: A Practical Guide to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board: Guidelines for Responsible Conduct

Ethics for Behavior Analysts: A Practical Guide to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board: Guidelines for Responsible Conduct

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Behavior analysis, a rapidly growing profession, began with the use and application of conditioning and learning techniques to modify the behavior of children or adults presenting severe management problems, often because of developmental disabilities. Now behavior analysts work in a variety of settings, from clinics and schools to workplaces. Especially since their practice often involves aversive stimuli or punishment, they confront many special ethical challenges. Recently, the Behavior Analysis Certification Board codified a set of ten fundamental ethical guidelines to be followed by all behavior analysts and understood by all students and trainees seeking certification. This book shows readers how to follow the BACB guidelines in action. The authors first describe core ethical principles and then explain each guideline in detail, in easily comprehensible, everyday language. The text is richly illuminated by more than a hundred vivid case scenarios about which the authors pose, and [...]later answer questions for readers. Useful appendices include the BACB Guidelines, an index to them, practice scenarios, and suggested further reading. Practitioners, instructors, supervisors, students and trainees alike will welcome this invaluable new aid to professional development.
Request Code : ZLIB.IO17316266
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
0805851178, 9780805851175, 9781410613738, 1410613739

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