Main Oil Painting For The Absolute Beginner: A Clear & Easy Guide to Successful Oil Painting Edition: 1

Oil Painting For The Absolute Beginner: A Clear & Easy Guide to Successful Oil Painting Edition: 1

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The quick-start guide to great results! Oil painting doesnt have to be rocket science, although some books on the subject make it seem that way. Filled with encouraging, easy-to-follow instruction, Oil Painting for the Absolute Beginner is a no-fear, no-experience-required guide to enjoyable painting and happy results. Focusing on the needs of the first-time painter, this book covers everything from selecting brushes and setting up your palette to key principles of color and composition, presented in a way that moves you confidently from first strokes to finished paintings. * Mini demonstrations break down fundamental painting techniques in a clear, common sense way * 12 step-by-step painting projects progress from simple landscapes, still life and flower paintings to more challenging subjects, such as animals, seascapes and portraits Youll learn tricks for keeping the greens in your landscapes looking fresh, advantages to working with water-soluble oil paints, simple tips for dynamic compositions [...]and other expert advice to make your introduction to oil painting the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Request Code : ZLIB.IO17296535
North Light Books
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
1600617840, 9781600617843

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