Main The Mormons

The Mormons

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The Complete Heretics' Guide to Western Religion Book One: The Mormons The next time that squeaky clean pair of LDS elders comes knocking on your door, they're in for a surprise! Find out the secrets the Mormon Church would rather you didn't know (and for which they paid plenty of money to keep hushed up - unsuccessfully!) In this first book of The Complete Heretic's Guide to World Religion series, historian and award-winning atheist author Dave Fitzgerald takes us behind the Salt Lake Curtain for a glimpse at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and answers your questions: Where did this multi-billion dollar tax-exempt corporation come from? Did Joseph Smith really sleep with all those women? Are the Mormons going to take over the whole world, and if so, is there any way to stop them? But that's not all! Learn about the bizarre, oxymoronic world of Mormon Archeology and discover their strange beliefs, not just all the crazy stuff you already know, but all the truly twisted things you never even suspected - including the astounding shocking skeletons rattling around in the closet of the Mormon church hierarchy. Don't miss out on this fun, informative and painstakingly researched historical romp by the highly praised and award-winning author of Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed At All. So when the missionaries show up on your doorstep, you'll have plenty to discuss with them... Later days, Saints! The Complete Heretic's Guide to Western Religion. Because Religion isn't just wrong. It's hilarious. David Fitzgerald has been called both “The Ferris Bueller of San Francisco” and “one of the busiest atheist activists in the Bay Area.” A former Southern Baptist, he had a secular epiphany in his 20's and now an atheist author, public speaker, campus organizer and secular event producer. He is Action Coordinator for San Francisco Atheists, the SSA’s regional campus organizer for Northern California, and is on the national speaker's bureaus of both the Secular Student Alliance and Center for Inquiry. He is also Co-Founder/Director of the world’s first Atheist Film Festival, San Francisco's annual Darwin Day celebration (“Evolutionpalooza!”), and (with fellow authors Greta Christina and Chris Hall) the Godless Perverts Story Hour. He also serves on the board of the Center for Inquiry-San Francisco, and works with the Stanford Humanist Chaplaincy, Camp Quest West, the National Center for Science Education and other community organizations. He has been a repeat featured speaker at the national conventions of American Atheists, American Humanist Association, the Secular Student Alliance, and is a crowd favorite at Skepticon. Besides all that, he is a historical researcher. His 2010 book Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed At All critically examines the historical evidence of Christ, and was voted one of the top five Best Agnostic/Atheist Book of the Year from About Reader’s Choice awards. His latest books are The Complete Heretic’s Guide to Western Religion: The Mormons and the forthcoming follow-up to Nailed, entitled Jesus: Mything in Action.
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The Complete Heretic’s Guide to Western Religion 1

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