Main Marked by Love: It’s the Only Thing That Matters

Marked by Love: It’s the Only Thing That Matters

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What does it mean to beMarked by Love?“People are done with Christianity. I am done with Christianity. At least the Americanized version that dresses up on Sunday and the rest of the week is gossiping, backbiting, jealous, judgmental, and unethical. It seems at every turn Christians are doing more harm for the name of Jesus than help.”  –Tim Stevens If you’ve ever been discouraged by Christianity—whether you’ve been a lifelong churchgoer or someone who left religion a long time ago—this book will change your life.God only spoke twice while Jesus was on earth. (We should probably sit up and pay attention.) Both times He said: Jesus is “marked by my love.” No tattoo. No handshake. No team colors or logos or code words. The only thing that marked Jesus Christ and the only thing that would mark His followers—love.Consider. . .How would I treat someone who I disagree with in a political discussion if I ran everything I said through a filter of love?How would I care for someone who is contemplating an abortion if I were marked by His love?How would I help a friend going through a divorce if I really loved him and his family?What would be different about my social media posts or comments if I really loved the people I was responding to or writing about?How would I show love toward the gay couple that moved in next door if I was actually following in Jesus’ steps?How would I treat the Hispanic family who I think may have crossed the border illegally and are living off government welfare if I were marked by his love?How would I respond to the homeless guy begging on the curb in a loving way?This is real life stuff. If every follower of Jesus was truly marked by love, it would change the world. 
Request Code : ZLIBIO2265667
Shiloh Run Press
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